Stefan Peters
Personal website of Stefan Peters
Lecturer in Surveying and GIS
University of South Australia (UniSA)
About Stefan
Hi, my name is Stefan Peters, I am a Senior Lecturer in Surveying and GIS at the University of South Australia (UniSA). This website does inform about my research and teaching activities.
My research interests and activities encompass applied Remote Sensing and GIS to provide insight into geospatial data and phenomena. I work primarliy at the interface of Geospatial and Environmental Science, providing evidence for critical research problems. Current research activities include GIS-based habitat modeling, Airborne Lidar processing, participator GIS, Early fire detection from space, Landcover change detection, and virtual reconstruction of heritage.
In a nutshell, I love to convert complex geographic data into meaningful information - particularly through the use of remote sensing, and spatio-temporal modelling and analysis, and web cartography.
Possible research project topics
Please contact me if you are interested in conducting one of the following research topics:
AI onboard fire smoke detection for smallsat missions
Earthquake triggered landslide detection using cloud-based satellite image processing
Landslide susceptibility modelling
How does vegetation respond to regional climate – a study using UAV-LiDAR data and microclimate measures
Developing a 3D VR campus indoor navigation app
Urban sprawls and urban densification of and within Metropolitan Adelaide
Using cloud-based satellite imagery processing to changes in LandCover or habitats
I am currently teaching and course coordinating
...and I am assisting with geospatial matters:
Below, please find a selection of web mapping applications created by my students within GEOE 3019 - Web Cartography. In case the page should not load, please switch your browser's Privacy and Security settings to "Block third-party cookies in Incognito".